Note: Advice in this article will only work for JxBrowser 6. See the corresponding article for JxBrowser 7 here.(注意:本文中的建议仅适用于JxBrowser6,JxBrowser7相应文章请点击这里。)
JxBrowser does not encrypt cookies by default. To enable cookies encryption, use the --enable-cookie-encryption Chromium switcher (see the Chromium Switches article to find out how to use Chromium switches).(JxBrowser默认情况下不加密cookie。要启用cookie加密,请使用--enable-cookie-encryption Chromium切换器(请参阅Chromium开关文章,以了解如何使用Chromium开关)。)
JxBrowser uses Chromium cookies encryption routines, so it uses the same way to store cookies as Chromium. (JxBrowser使用Chromium cookie加密例程,因此它使用与Chromium相同的方式存储cookie。)
On Linux to encrypt cookies JxBrowser uses GNOME Keyring or KWallet. Although Chromium chooses which store to use automatically, the store to use can also be specified with a command line argument:(在Linux上,加密cookie的JxBrowser使用GNOME密钥环或KWallet。尽管Chromium选择自动使用的商店,但是也可以使用命令行参数来指定要使用的商店:)
- --password-store=gnome (to use GNOME Keyring)(--password-store = gnome(使用GNOME密钥环))
- --password-store=kwallet (to use KWallet)(--password-store = kwallet(使用KWallet))
On Windows to encrypt cookies JxBrowser uses only DPAPI. There are no alternatives at the moment.(在Windows上加密cookie的JxBrowser仅使用DPAPI。目前没有其他选择。)
On macOS, JxBrowser uses the private key stored with the Keychain Application to encrypt cookies with AES encryption. (在macOS上,JxBrowser使用钥匙串应用程序中存储的私钥通过AES加密对cookie进行加密。)