Interface | Description |
CacheStorage |
The system for cache handling.
Callback<T> | |
CertificateVerifier |
Represents a service for verifying SSL certificates.
ContextMenuHandler |
Interface for handling browser context menu requests.
Cookie |
Represents an HTTP cookie.
CookieStorage |
The system for storing and retrieving cookies.
DialogHandler |
Allows handling browser dialogs such as JavaScript alert, confirmation and prompt.
DownloadHandler |
Allows handling file downloads.
DownloadItem |
Provides different information such as file URL, its mime type,
percent complete, received bytes etc.
FullScreenHandler |
The listener interface for receiving full-screen state change events.
HttpHeaders |
Represents HTTP request and response headers, mapping string header names to list of header
HttpHeadersEx |
Represents HTTP request/response headers.
InputEventsHandler<T> |
An input events filter that can be set to the
BrowserView to filter
different input events such as mouse, scroll, keyboard, etc. |
JSFunctionCallback |
Represents a Java function that can be invoked from JavaScript side.
LoadHandler |
Allows handling any load activity including filtering all URLs loaded in Browser component.
MediaStreamDeviceProvider |
Provides default media stream device that Chromium should use
for capturing audio/video input on loaded web page.
NetworkDelegate |
Interface for handling URL requests and responses.
NotificationHandler |
The handler interface for receiving browser HTML5 desktop common notification events.
PermissionHandler |
Allows handling permission requests from web pages such as
geolocation, desktop notification permission requests, etc.
PluginFilter |
A plugin filter that is used by Chromium engine to find out what plugin is allowed during
web page loading.
PluginManager |
The system for plugins management.
PopupContainer |
Each container that can be used for newly created browser must implement this interface.
PopupHandler |
Implementers of
PopupHandler may manage newly created popup windows
that were opened using the JavaScript function. |
PrintHandler |
Allows handling printing initiated by
method or window.print() JavaScript on the web page. |
ProtocolHandler |
Interface for handing URL requests and responses.
ResourceHandler |
Allows handling process of loading resources such as HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS files, etc.
SearchResultCallback |
Callback for notification about search text on a web page is in process.
SpellCheckListener |
The interface for receiving spell check events.
UploadData |
General interface that describes upload data in HTTP request.
UploadProgressListener |
The listener interface for receiving upload progress events.
WebStorage |
The WebStorage interface of the Web Storage API provides access to the session storage or
local storage for a particular document on the loaded web page, allowing you to for example
add, modify or delete stored data items.
XPathIterator |
Represents the iterator over the XPath result node set.
XPathIteratorItem |
Class | Description |
AuthRequiredParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
method. |
AutoDetectProxyConfig |
With this proxy configuration the connection automatically
detects proxy settings.
AutofillService |
Provides access to autofill functionality.
BeforeRedirectParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onBeforeRedirect(BeforeRedirectParams) method. |
BeforeSendHeadersParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onBeforeSendHeaders(BeforeSendHeadersParams) method. |
BeforeSendProxyHeadersParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onBeforeSendProxyHeaders(BeforeSendProxyHeadersParams) method. |
BeforeURLRequestParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onBeforeURLRequest(BeforeURLRequestParams) method. |
Browser |
Represents web browser control based on Chromium engine.
BrowserContext |
Describes context of a
Browser instance. |
BrowserContextParams |
Represents parameters required for
BrowserContext instance. |
BrowserCore |
Provides access to Chromium core functionality.
BrowserKeyEvent |
Represents a key event that can be forwarded to Chromium engine
using the
Browser.forwardKeyEvent(BrowserKeyEvent) method. |
BrowserKeyEvent.KeyModifiers |
Represents key modifiers that can be passed to
BrowserKeyEvent instance. |
BrowserKeyEvent.KeyModifiersBuilder |
A builder that allows you to construct a
BrowserKeyEvent.KeyModifiers instance. |
BrowserMouseEvent |
Represents a mouse event that can be forwarded to Chromium engine
using the
Browser.forwardMouseEvent(BrowserMouseEvent) method. |
BrowserMouseEvent.BrowserMouseEventBuilder | |
BrowserPreferences |
Browser instance and global library preferences.
BytesData |
Contains upload parameters represented as plain bytes.
Certificate |
Provides information about X509 certificate.
CertificateErrorParams |
Contains information about SSL certificate error.
CertificatesDialogParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
DialogHandler.onSelectCertificate(CertificatesDialogParams) method. |
CertificateVerifyParams |
Provides information about SSL certificate, host name, and Chromium verify results.
ColorChooserParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
DialogHandler.onColorChooser(ColorChooserParams) method. |
ContextMenu |
Provides access to context menu items and allows notifying
Chromium engine about context menu state.
ContextMenuItem |
Provides info about context menu item.
ContextMenuParams |
Contains information about context menu.
CustomProxyConfig |
Describes a user's proxy settings.
DataReceivedParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onDataReceived(DataReceivedParams) method. |
DefaultLoadHandler |
Default implementation of the
LoadHandler interface. |
DialogParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
DialogHandler.onAlert(DialogParams) and
DialogHandler.onConfirmation(DialogParams) methods. |
DirectProxyConfig |
With this proxy configuration the connection doesn't use a proxy server.
FileChooserParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
DialogHandler.onFileChooser(FileChooserParams) method. |
FormData |
Represents POST data parameters if the Content-Type is
application/x-www-form-urlencoded . |
HeadersReceivedParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onHeadersReceived(HeadersReceivedParams) method. |
HostPortPair |
Represents combination of host and port.
HttpStatus |
Represents allowed HTTP response status values.
ImageMetadata |
Represents object that contains information about image.
JSArray |
Represents JavaScript Array object.
JSBoolean |
Represents JavaScript primitive boolean value.
JSBooleanObject |
Represents JavaScript Boolean object.
JSContext |
Represents JavaScript execution context.
JSFunction |
Represents a JavaScript function.
JSNumber |
Represents JavaScript primitive number value.
JSNumberObject |
Represents JavaScript Number object.
JSObject |
Represents a JavaScript object.
JSONString |
Represents a string in JSON format.
JSPrimitive<T> |
An abstract class for JavaScript primitive types.
JSString |
Represents JavaScript primitive string value.
JSStringObject |
Represents JavaScript String object.
JSUndefined |
JavaScript undefined value.
JSValue |
Class for all JavaScript values.
LoadDataParams |
Parameters that are used in the
Browser.loadData(long, LoadDataParams) method. |
LoadHTMLParams |
Parameters that are used in the
Browser.loadHTML(LoadHTMLParams) method. |
LoadParams |
Contains information about load event.
LoadURLParams |
Parameters that are used in the
Browser.loadURL(LoadURLParams) method. |
MediaStreamDevice |
Represents a media stream device.
MediaStreamDeviceManager |
The system for managing media stream devices.
MediaStreamDeviceRequest |
Represents a request for media streams (audio/video).
MultipartFormData |
Represents POST data parameters if the Content-Type is
multipart/form-data . |
NavigationEntry |
Provides information about the navigation entry that is used to navigate through the
Browser navigation history.
NetworkService |
Provides access to a network level functionality.
Notification |
Represents object that contains information about browser notification, stores notification state
data and provides functionality that allows user to perform operations with notification (click,
closeInternal, etc.) and listen browser events associated with this notification instance.
NotificationService |
Provides access to HTML5 desktop notifications functionality.
PACScriptErrorParams |
Provides details about PAC script error.
PageMargins |
Margins in printer device points for a page setup.
PageRange |
Page range for printing.
PaperSize |
Describes paper format name, and paper width and height in microns.
PermissionRequest |
Provides details on the permission request.
PluginInfo |
Contains information about Chromium plugin.
PopupParams |
The information that can be used before creating a new browser window.
Principal |
Represents the notion of a X509 principal, which used to represent
subject or issuer entities.
PrintJob |
Indicates a print job.
PrintSettings |
Provides access to different printing settings.
ProductInfo |
This class provides information about JxBrowser.
PromptDialogParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
DialogHandler.onPrompt(PromptDialogParams) method. |
ProtocolService |
Provides access to functionality that allows registering non-standard
protocol handlers and overriding standard protocols.
ProxyConfig |
An abstract class that must be implemented by all possible proxy configurations.
ProxySerivce |
Allows modifying proxy config for the associated browser context.
ProxyService |
Allows modifying proxy config for the associated browser context.
RawData | |
ReloadPostDataParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
DialogHandler.onReloadPostData(ReloadPostDataParams) method. |
RenderProcessInfo |
Contains information about current render process associated with the Browser instance.
RequestCompletedParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onCompleted(RequestCompletedParams) method. |
RequestParams |
Parent class for all
NetworkDelegate method params. |
ResourceParams |
Represents information about resource.
ResponseStartedParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onResponseStarted(ResponseStartedParams) method. |
SearchParams |
Represents search request parameters, that are used for searching text on a web page.
SearchResult |
Provides information about the number of matches of a specified text on a web page.
SendHeadersParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
NetworkDelegate.onSendHeaders(SendHeadersParams) method. |
SpellCheckCompletedParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
SpellCheckListener.onSpellCheckCompleted(SpellCheckCompletedParams) method. |
SpellCheckerService |
Provides access to spellchecker service.
SpellCheckResult |
Contains information about specific mistake in the examined text.
StatusLine |
Represents a normalized status line of HTTP response.
SubjectAlternativeName |
Represents the alternative subject name entity.
TextData |
Contains POST parameters which cannot be represented as
or MultipartFormData but can be represented as plain text. |
UnloadDialogParams |
Represents parameters that are passed to the
DialogHandler.onBeforeUnload(UnloadDialogParams) method. |
URLProxyConfig |
With this proxy configuration the connection uses proxy settings
received from proxy auto-config (PAC) file which is located at
the specific address.
URLRequest |
Represents URL request that is passed to the
method. |
URLResponse |
Represents URL response for the
method that allows providing custom response. |
XPathResult |
Represents the result of evaluating the XPath expression.
ZoomService |
Provides access to zoom configuration.
Enum | Description |
BrowserKeyEvent.KeyCode |
Contains all the key codes which can be forwarded to Chromium engine.
BrowserKeyEvent.KeyEventType |
Represents key event type.
BrowserMouseEvent.MouseButtonType |
Represents mouse button type
BrowserMouseEvent.MouseEventType |
Represents mouse event type
BrowserMouseEvent.MouseScrollType |
Represents mouse scroll type
BrowserType |
Provides set of supported browser types.
CertificateVerifyFlag |
Enum of flags that indicate result of SSL certificate verification
by default Chromium certificate verifier.
CertificateVerifyResult |
Represents possible certificate verification results.
CloseStatus |
The dialog close status indicates the way (OK or Cancel button) the dialog was closed.
ColorModel |
Print color mode values.
ContextMenuItemType | |
DuplexMode |
Print duplex mode values.
EditorCommand |
The list of commands for text manipulation when editing in a text field, text area or WYSIWYG
ExtendedKeyUsage |
Represents extended key usage values.
FileChooserMode |
List of modes of the browser file chooser dialog.
KeyUsage |
Represents key usage values.
LoadParams.LoadPolicy | |
LoadParams.LoadType | |
LoggerProvider |
Provides access to different JxBrowser Loggers which are used to log Browser,
IPC and Chromium process messages.
MediaStreamType |
Represents types of media streams.
MediaType |
List of known media types.
NavigationEntry.PageType |
The type of the page a
NavigationEntry corresponds to. |
NotificationType |
Represents enumeration with HTML5 desktop notification types.
PermissionStatus |
Represents enum with permission statuses.
PermissionType |
Represents enum with permission types.
PluginType |
Enumeration for identifying the type of plugin
PrintJob.DocumentType |
List of known document types.
PrintStatus |
The print status indicates whether printing must be canceled or not.
ProxyType |
Represents type of a proxy connection.
RequestStatus |
Possible statuses of a HTTP request.
ResourceType | |
SavePageType |
Determines how the web page will be saved via the
Browser.saveWebPage(String, String,
SavePageType) method. |
StopFindAction |
Provides actions for
Browser.stopFindingText(StopFindAction) method. |
StorageType |
Represents Chromium data storage type.
SubjectAlternativeName.Type |
Alternative name types.
TerminationStatus |
List of possible render process termination statuses.
UploadDataType |
List of supported upload data types.
WebRTCIPHandlingPolicy |
List of supported policies for WebRTC IP handling.
XPathResultType |
Represents the type of an XPath evaluation result.
Exception | Description |
BrowserException |
Thrown when an error happens during
Browser instantiation. |
JSFunctionException |
Thrown to indicate that during JavaScript function execution an error has been thrown.
Annotation Type | Description |
JSAccessible |